The story

It all starts in Borgorose in 2005

Birra del Borgo was founded in 2005 in Borgorose, a small town in the province of Rieti. Here, in the brewery, the first beers that will have great success and will make Birra del Borgo known throughout the world were born: ReAle, DucAle, Duchessa. The enhancement of the territory, the use of local ingredients in different productions and the continuous exchange with its inhabitants have characterized and still characterize the work of the brewery.

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The inquietude is that feeling that pushes us to change. That never lets us stop.



Borgorose is located in the upper Salto Valley, in the province of Rieti, on the border between Latium and Abruzzo. From Borgorose there is access to the Nature Reserve of Monti della Duchessa, one of the wildest and most spectacular mountainous areas of Latium, with the dense beech forests that cover the slopes of the mountains, the beautiful spring blooms that color the green meadows at high altitude and the crystal clear color of the lake waters. The link with the beauty and the products of the territory has always been a constant in the production of Birra di Borgo.

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Our local community connects us all the more strongly to Borgorose. Products themselves of the land and rotating seasons, the local people command deep knowledge about the region’s wares and are generous with their advice. Their lives and work are often dedicated to creating high quality products rooted in tradition, so we look to them whenever possible for sourcing materials and techniques.

These connections manifest in Birra del Borgo’s beers directly. For example, “Duchessa” (the beer that introduced us to the world), is made with spelt grain grown on the Duchessa Mountains and “Maledetta” is fermented with a special blend of traditional and indigenous yeast gathered in the mountains around the brewery. Today, thanks to agreements with local producers, 80% of our malts come from Italian regions and those surrounding the Abruzzo.

Journey and collaboration


Birra del Borgo opened its doors in 2005. One of our founding principles was in embracing THE JOURNEY, our journey through exploration and creation of our beers, and the journey of discovery people have in drinking them.

And even though Borgorose, our territory, is the beginning and the end of all our travels, this journey quickly took us far afield. Inspired by our travels and by beer cultures around the world, we have always brought these influences back to our brewery, fusing diverse styles and ideas. We have also sought out collaborations, a constant since our founding.

Partnerships represent “travel” of another kind to us, an inner and borderless transportation to new dimensions. Early on, we included many artists, musicians and especially, CHEFS AND FOOD ARTISANS in our process and count many among our extended team today.

In 2007, we hosted the first Birra del Borgo Day (“BdBDay”), an annual celebration at our brewery that brings together our collaborators, drinkers, and beers from around the world.

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The italian way


By 2009, Birra del Borgo was established as one of the top craft brewers in Italy. Never satisfied to sit still and eager to build on our early discoveries, we began to imagine a new way of thinking about beer. Starting with a re-interpretation of traditional styles and with an eye always toward the culture of food and wine, we wondered about an ITALIAN WAY of brewing.

For us, an Italian way of brewing is about using extraordinary ingredients and masterful techniques to make elegant, balanced beers, meant for the dinner table. We began to experiment with ingredients and fermentation methods from the world of wine, while also blending beer styles. The result was two-fold: the creation of extraordinary beers, as well as a UNIQUE ITALIAN BREWING STYLE.

This innovation led to the birth of L’Equilibrista, a new idea of beer, crucial in promoting our culture and the goal of the Italian way, BEER AND FOOD together.

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Beers should create atmospheres, images, memories tied to an emotion



Birra del Borgo inaugurates the new brewery in Spedino, which becomes the beating heart of the company, the springboard for the launch of our brewing ambitions.

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The RESEARCH of different ideas and possibilities takes a new meaning thanks to the laboratory for quality control that allowed us to carry on the charming experimentation on the INDIGENOUS YEAST world and the combination with the traditional beer ones. With more space in the new brewery came more innovation, too.

We began fermenting and aging our beers in UNCONVENTIONAL VESSELS, including barrique, big barrels and terracotta AMPHORA pots, traditionally used in wine fermentation. The latter have become icons of Birra del Borgo.

We’re innovating the tradition of beer