Nel 2016 abbiamo esordito con la formula BANCONE a Borgorose. Uno spazio di vendita e degustazione del birrificio, nuovo e fruibile. Così piacevole che abbiamo deciso di farlo vivere anche a Roma. Anzi, di farli vivere, perché i Banconi nella capitale saranno due. Piazza Bologna e il quartiere Pigneto sono le zone che ospiteranno i nuovi…

Birreria number three in Bari!

Does the picture at the left reminds you of something? Well, yes, they ARE Leo and Teo, but there is something more to it! We are giving you one more clue: another great brewmaster is missing: we are talking about the third“Birreria Brother” Sam Calagione! The picture was taken today at Eataly Bari big opening: it’s the 10th Eataly Shop only in…

Thanks God it’s Monday!

Nope, we are not gone mad. We too, we hate Mondays usually , but today it’s different!  Here in Italy Spring has come though it’s raining somewhere, today, but hey!, we have our brand new summer Ale Stelle&Strisce out, so let’s pretend Summer is closer then ever. Moreover, lot of nice and exciting stuff is going on this week and today, particularly, so…

A week end devoted to Craft Beer in Rome

What’s going on this week end in Rome? Well, talking about craft beer, we could say EVERYTHING!While we are waiting the Craft Beer Week (Settimana della Birra Artigianale) to begin on Monday, we definetly will have something to warm-up with in the next three days!  An explosive Roman week end full of  beer related events… and Birra del Borgo will be there! Will anyone…

Leonardo goes Downunder!

Yes, our boss and brewer Leonardo will fly to Oz in less than two weeks… but he didn’t decide to go seek his fortune elsewhere like many Italian yougn talents do… he will spend there one week for a short but busy promotional tour – with many tastings, events and meetings – that has been set up for him…

Italian Brewewrs go to the New World

At the beginning of June our head-brewer Andrea flew to the US for the Philadelphia Beer week, to meet beer lovers and beer experts from the New World. Here you can read his report of this full and funny week (pictures by Giovanna Palleschi). On the occasion of the “Philly Beer Week” I wento to the New World to…

BdB Day 2012 – May 26 – 27

Here we are! This year as well, following our tradition, we will celebrate the brewery anniversary with a two-day long party in Borgorose! Saturday 26 and sunday 27 May, the village public gardens will host the greatest part of the program –  previste – live music, street food, lots of craft beers and more! – with side-events to be…

Searching for the lost beer with Leo, Teo e Sam!

Some time ago we wrote about the oncoming arrival at the Brewery of some huge terracotta amphoras (the one you can see here is just slightly different and it’s actally an old wine amhpora coming from Capua ancient site, but it’s well giving the idea of what we are talking about, and alos of how much beverages were…

Ladies and gentlemen, the La Zia Ale is here!

It’s one of our latest brew, but actually it’s not just “ours”. La Zia Ale – whose name could have different meanings in Italian, and which was officially launched last month during the  Italian Craft Beer Week  – is the first “Latium collaboration beer” made by all the brew masters of the 8 microbreweries of the Lazio region…